I’m looking for some suggestions on MQTT structure and usage at the start of my home automation journey.
For example, I have a lamp in the living room, currently controlled by a Sonoff basic.
Which of the following approaches do you use / would you recommend for controlling the lamp via MQTT within nodered / homeassistant / etc:
Use the standard Tasmota MQTT structure and publish to cmnd/livingroom-lamp/POWER directly.
Use a custom topic such as home/livingroom/lamp/set which provides some abstraction away from the device actually controlling the lamp’s relay. Then I could create a flow in nodered which subscribes to this topic and then publishes to the Tasmota directly. This way if I ever change the relay control device I just need to rewrite that flow, but can still publish to home/livingroom/lamp/set (leaving other nodered or home assistant config alone).