Hi all, I from Russia want to offer you for acquaintance the application HMI-KaScada Modbus .This is not advertising ,but informing you. I want to hear your criticisms and answer your questions. This application is used to control industrial equipment and control systems (including remote) Smart home based on Arduino and ESP8266 .The application can be downloaded https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.kablov.kascada_full.modbus
I went over and took a brief look at the site. One of your posts was hung up for review because you are a new user that posted links so I cleared it. Didn’t get a chance to do a translate on the site since most of it is in Russian but will a look at it later. It’s an intriguing concept. Could you share a little bit of information about it? How do you use it? What makes this valuable to those that are doing home automation or programming?
Welcome to the Discourse, by the way!
Existing industrial HMI panels are much more expensive than the controllers themselves and for simple industrial and household applications, are often redundant and difficult to use and maintain (replace).
This gap was filled by the development of a visualization system based on non-expensive smartphones/tablets with Android OS application hmi-kascada modbus .
It is a single environment for development and execution of visualization system. This application is primarily HMI (control panel). Secondly, it is a mini SCADA (charts, trends, archives), and thirdly micro PLC (data processing, calculation-FBD language). We tried to make the interface intuitive .
I am introducing my app to your continent and forum for the first time .In honor of this event, I am ready to give the first 5 users the activation keys of this application . To do this you need to download the application from the cloud https://cloud.mail.ru/public/52gc/48kUBPmuq , run the created project (you can empty), the application will generate a code that you want to send for registration and in response will receive an activation key that you need to enter . The code will change and the key will not . One key on one Android device . But there is a version of the application on Google play, which is not tied to the device, and to your account and does not require activation ,but it is paid if the prekte more than 7 components . I will be happy to answer your questions .There is a programming instruction https://www.hmi-kascada.ru/en/dokumentatsiya/ . There is a video channel (Russian) . Brief features of the application-works on 3 channels-Bluetooth, WIFI, USB simultaneously with 16 devices.
Here are the screenshots from the projects that HMI-Kascada users sent . This application was made as a universal, not only for Smart Home, but also automation systems (mainly) in the industry . The purpose of creating a visualization project is a more realistic picture and taking into account the individuality of users .
Those look really nice. I like the 3D rendering of the house- much more intuitive. I laugh a little seeing the light controls for the bathroom on the whole house map- you could turn off the lights on someone while they are in there
At whom the Central control panel that can everything.But in Kascada there is a built-in web server and then you can monitor and manage from any browser knowing the IP, port and password of the smartphone in the local network
Reprogram the sonoff mini relay to the Modbus …
You can add remote control via kascada cloud.
Do from relays Sanoff thermostat and burglar alarm . Monitoring and management via Kascada cloud (remotely). Firmware under video https://youtu.be/4O8cyvmrYNg